Court Appointed Special Advocates

Franklin County CASA

Serving Franklin and Gasconade Counties of Missouri

Tax Breakdown

Franklin County CASA is a nonprofit, therefore, all contributions are tax deductible. Contributions over $100 may be eligible for the Champions for Children Tax Credit allowing up to a 50% credit for your generous donation. The benefits described below are based on a federal tax deduction assuming 28% tax bracket, Missouri income tax savings assuming 6% tax bracket, and Addiction Missouri Income savings from Champion for Children Tax Credit. Franklin County CASA advises you to consult your tax advisor to see how you can personally benefit from the tax credit.

Potential Tax Credit Benefits

Donor's tax savings $2,100

Donors out of pocket cost $400

Donor's tax savings $830Donor's out of pocket cost $166
Donor's tax savings $210

Donor's out of pocket cost $40

Donor's tax savings $84

Donor's out of pocket cost $16

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Franklin County CASA | 636-583-4422 

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